Sending user-data from website to widget


You’re installing Consolto on your platform. Your users login and you would like to pass their information directly to the Consolto widget.

Guess what? We have a solution for you!

The Consolto widget can receive the users info directly from your code including: 

  • First name (required)
  • Last name
  • Email (required)
  • Phone number
  • In a multi-agent scenario, you'd need to specify the agentId provided in the team-center on every agent's card.

The way to get this done is by adding a javascript code that waits until Consolto is ready and then send the info to the widget.

Add the following code to BEFORE where you’ve integrated Consolto’s script: . 

window.addEventListener('consoltoEvent', (e) => {

     if (e.detail.consoltoReady) { //waiting until consolto widget is ready

      // Send client info

       var userDataEvent = new CustomEvent('consolto_h2w', {

       detail: {

            'et-client-info': true,

            'et-phone': '783240477851', // modify the phone number to the number that your platform captured.

            'et-first-name': 'John', // modify the first name to the name that your platform captured.

            'et-last-name': 'Dow', // modify the last name to the name that your platform captured.

            'et-email': '', // modify the email to the email that your platform captured.

            'et-agent-id': '<YOUR AGENT ID HERE>' // necessary only in the team-widget. In the single widget this line can be removed.




