Zapier integration
Overview: Your business wants to connect the dots. The data that's being left on Consolto can be transmitted to your own tools and databases and that's absolutely great!
One way to perform this is with Zapier. Zapier is a hub that connects various tools together.
In Consolto, we send information to Zapier and from there you'd need to take it to your own tools.
Important - this is a BETA feature and while it's being tested and validated you can enjoy it but note it's not fully baked yet.
In order to connect Consolto's triggers to Zapier, you'd need to follow the following steps:

- Copy the api key from the Consolto backoffice by clicking the "Connect" (Or copy the already-created) apiKey from: Consolto Backoffice
- IMPORTANT - in case you don't see the integrations section - send us an email and we'll enable it for you -
- On Zapier, select "Consolto" as the trigger of the Zap.
- Select one of the trigger events
- Choose account - When the window pops up, paste the API Key that you took from the Consolto backoffice (step 1 above).
- Take it from here with the instructions on the screen.