Video chat software for coaches & consultants

Find new customers & hold more sessionsRemote meetings don’t have to feel so remote. Consolto’s simple, no-hassle live video chat solution makes it easy to engage in highly personalized, warm interactions that make you feel as though you’re sitting in the same room.
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Are you keeping up with the competition?

58% of businesses use video conferencing to aid with their every day operations

Fully-fledged virtual office

Take your business to the global arena by  expanding your reach with a website that delivers the functionality of a full-fledged virtual office. Consolto’s live video chat solution offers consultants and freelancers a complete solution for handling their business entirely from their websites. Take new clients from anywhere in the world, develop relationships remotely, keep records and more!
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All-in-one solution

Life doesn’t always have to be hard. Consolto’s solution includes everything you need to go remote in one easy to install package that works seamlessly in your website. Give your customers the modern, digital service they want and expect with options to communicate over live chat or video chat, schedule meetings, accept payments and send invoices, take in-chat notes and send and receive important files.

Never miss a meeting

Keep your agents busy with back-to-back meetings all day, every day! Your customers will love the bi-directional scheduling that let’s both you and your customers proactively send and receive meeting requests. A streamlined remote experience built for optimized remote experiences.
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Provide customer support from anywhere and at anytime

Give your customers vip treatment by sending them your personal, permanent link so that they can reach out to you via video and audio calls straight from your email signatures and any other networks. Provide expert service and support by setting up each agent with a dedicated personal page so that clients can reach them at the click of a button. Send customers your agents’ custom links so that they can easily schedule appointments, start video calls or live messaging in just one click. No downloads or login required.
Innovative 2-way Scheduling

Top 4 ways consultant use consolto to increase customers’ engagement & sales

Direct, focused interaction from the website, branded and innovative
Receive money transfers instantly for your time and expertise
Increase trust with real-time communication
Gain clarity by using immediate screen-sharing

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