Video chat software for Telehealth, Telepharma and Remote Aesthetics

Consolto will help you provide HIPAA-compliant, simple and personalized telehealth & aesthetics services, remotely.
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Simply Meet Clients Online

Build an expert directory in minutes. Not months.

No one likes asking clients to "install Zoom" or "download Teams". Not only some clients find it complicated, but it also promotes others' brands (unless you're the owner of Zoom...). Instead, your clients, as well as your team of Doctors, Mental health practitioners, Pharmacists - all need a plug-and-play tool to provide remote consulting, fully branded and simple.  
Consolto's integrated expert-directory will elevate your website dynamics and turn it into a virtual office with live-meeting capabilities, as well as booking software, live chat and even invoicing.
Meet your patients' demand for innovative, personalized experiences and exceed their expectations with live, high-quality remote meeting capabilities, right from your website. No installations or downloads will be required.
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Consult and sell remotely with an all-in-one video chat platform

Consolto's platform offers medical practitioners and telehealth services an effortless experience with its integrated scheduling, video chat for individual or group sessions, rich live-chat and secure document transfer capabilities. This simple yet comprehensive toolkit streamlines the consultation process from selecting an expert, through booking appointments, charging fees and launching meetings. All in one streamlined flow.

Simply Meet Patients Online

Turn your website into a HIPAA-Compliant meeting hub in minutes, not months.
Try these buttons: 

We help you simply meet patients online

Increase remote consultations
Generate an additional revenue stream from remote consultations with your experts.
Simplify meeting operations
Secured and branded meeting solution right from your website.
Save time
Let staff host pre/post-procedure meetings efficiently.
Leverage marketing dollars by meeting propects on your website.
Build trust
Overcome the main barrier in medical tourism - build trust with face-to-face conversations.
Solve paperwork & Sell
Answer questions and help with paperwork via screen sharing to better close sales.
Make experts accessible
Let your team of experts provide remote consultations for higher sales. HD Video chat and booking software included.
Receive prescriptions with ease using live file-transfer.
Schedule with ease
Make it super easy to schedule consultation calls.
Remote consulting
Open your clinic to remote video-chat consulting with ease.
Charge payments
Charge customers via integrated payments.
Book meetings
Get meetings booked easily with a booking-widget and booking page.
Start today

What are you waiting for?

Remote consultations can be just as effective for patient care as in-person meetings
Ranked by
The magic

Top 5 ways health and aesthetics teams use Consolto to increase patients' engagement & sales

Make experts accessible with a directory of surgeons and consultants by area of expertise.
Increase authenticity with personalized remote consulting.
Better management of chronic conditions, increased continuity of care.
Increase trust with real-time communication directly from the website.
Simplify paperwork and pre-surgery flows with screen-sharing.

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Together we’ll change what you considered as great communication experience
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