Video chat meetings for Automotive

Close 2.5x more deals, deliver highly personalized experiences, increase customers loyalty
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Sales and Showroom Support

Automotive dealers use video chat and real-time messaging to provide virtual tours of vehicles, discuss features, and answer potential buyers' questions, creating a personalized shopping experience. Use Consolto to greet your website visitors with a sales-focused website that delivers unique, highly personalized customer engagements
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Boost sales

Help car-buyers close the deal

Consolto enhances the finalization of purchase paperwork by allowing secure document sharing, rich messaging and screen-sharing. This trio of features ensures that customers can review, understand, and complete necessary documents efficiently and accurately, all from the comfort of their own space.
Boost customer satisfaction

Provide service and repair consultations, remotely.

For service and repair consultations, Consolto facilitates a seamless experience through its scheduling, video conferencing, and screen-sharing capabilities, along with a mobile app for on-the-go access. Customers can easily book appointments, engage in detailed video consultations to diagnose issues, and share their screens to discuss specific concerns or review repair details. With Consolto, your business can facilitate ongoing customer support, offering instant answers to questions about vehicle features, maintenance tips, and warranty information also through live chat. All these techniques will contribute to a more efficient and satisfactory service process!
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Live video chat for car-dealerships works!

92% of car buyers research online before they buy!
Try these buttons and see how simple it is: 

Take remote automotive sales to the next level with 3D-Sense

3d-sense, Consolto’s cutting-edge web conferencing feature, helps car shoppers see how all parts are connected in all their 360° glory. 3d-sense gives shoppers the closest thing to the real life experience of being in their dream car, without having to leave their homes. Unlock business opportunities, meet customers’ demand with more personalization and accelerate agents' sales cycle with 3d-sense.
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Innovative 2-way Scheduling

Top 4 ways car dealerships use Consolto to increase customer engagement & sales

Virtual vehicle tours and feature demonstrations via video chat and Consolto's 3DSense to offer a personalized shopping experience
Review financial forms and admin paperwork with screen sharing
Scheduling for test drives or service appointments directly, improving convenience.
Share vehicle reports, pictures and videos over real-time chat, enhancing communication

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