Multiple Agents
Generate more revenue and deliver more value by adding multiple agents on your website with their own live chat capabilities
Easily transition large sales teams to online with setting up multiple agents on your website with live chat capabilities. Choose to have a different agent on each page or add specialists to pages selling the products they know best. Access detailed analytics on the performance of each one of your agents.
No limits on seats
Add as many agents as you like, Conslolto doesn’t put a limit on the number of seats. Deliver 24/7 availability by implementing shift based work!
custom buttons
Add a custom button to launch live chats with specific agents. Use it to send relevant leads to specialized agents or put up a page with all your agents featuring a unique, dedicated button beneath each agent’s listing.
admin dashboard
Track and monitor each agent’s performance with detailed analytics that show you quantifiable metrics for each one of your agents.
Role-based permissions
Set up roles and permissions for each one of your agents so that you can control and manage the features they use and the data that they can access.
68% of customers more likely to buy from a business that offers convenient communication
75% of consumers prefer face to face interaction
video calls with clients are up to 30% shorter
how can we help you
Together we’ll change what you considered
as great communication experience
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