Attracting audiences to their websites is only part of the struggle businesses face when marketing their services. The true challenge is taking those website visitors and converting them into clients that actively interact with the website. Luckily for website owners, there are simple changes and additions they can implement into their websites to increase conversion rates and retain customer satisfaction.
As mentioned above, website visitors must be active participants in a given website in order to be factored into a company’s conversion rate. Therefore, these people must be prompted by the website to take part in a desired action, such as filling out a registration form, purchasing services, etc. What makes for effective calls to action are certain verbs that incentivize participation. Examples of some verbs are “get [insert product here]” or “claim [insert service here]”. Website owners should be thoughtful of the type of language they use on their website if they want to realize success in this area.
It is 2018. Consumers of content in this time are more difficult to convince than ever before. Businesses must look for increasingly creative ways to get their mission across in ways that are not blatantly intrusive or shallow. One way of accomplishing this would be to include videos of the people actually running the business on the company’s website. This tactic adds a more considerable element to the website, as visitors are more likely to watch the CEO of a company explain its purpose than be attentive to a cliché-looking banner advertisement.
Businesses are constantly looking to answer the question of exactly why anyone would purchase their products or services. There must be certain aspects to the company that differentiates it from its competitors. These aspects should be consolidated into a value proposition or mission statement that is easily found on a company’s website. Visitors need to have a solid understanding of what a business entails and what it is trying to achieve in order to buy into it. If website visitors are confused or unclear as to what a business is attempting to accomplish, it is likely they will lose interest and bounce to another website.
Overall, these are a few easily implemented suggestions that companies should take advantage of to increase their conversion rates. Paying attention to details and avoiding complacency when it comes to a company’s website has great reward for that company going forward.